Starting From Be The Hero!

Jun 30, 2010 6 comments

How do you start your FM career?

Little Peek Into My Past

Jun 28, 2010 2 comments

 Inspired by Gilad

"The journey of thousand miles started with one step."

Thats is one phrase that I hold from my little boy, until now. I really admires the managers that succeed and failed, excels and doomed with their beloved club, and those moments really exciting, and sometimes make us deeply upset. But, after all, experience is the best teacher.

New Start, Fresh Inspirations

Jun 27, 2010 0 comments

 One of my role model - Arsene Wenger

First of all, I wanna to give my compliments and appreciation to all Football Manager gamers and bloggers. You all really awesome, and very enthusiastic towards your games which really inspired me to keep playing.

The main reason for this blog was put up is to provide a platform for me to share my experience as manager in Football Manager. Maybe if I get tips,tactics or what so ever that related to Football Manager, they also will be shared here for everybody to get benefit from it.

Please forgive me for my English, because it is not my native language. But I will try my best to improve from time to time and keep my writings as simple as possible.

I think thats all for a start..If you guys and girls (who knows?) got any tips and feedbacks to help me improving my blog, I’m really appreciated it!

Thanks for the inspiration,

Zinedine Zaiddin